refined curve itself is a kind of unparalleled beauty
One day, a little gecko went into the studio accidentally. It hided behind a red clothes, stretching half of its head, putting one claw on the clothes, blinking its big eyes and watching on a painting curiously. It would never know itself will become a protagonist of a painting.
Generally speaking , a painting is usually made up by points, lines or surfaces. Straight lines are more commonly sighted in sketches or morden works such as Piet Mondrian's. While Points and surfaces are easily found in nearly all kinds of paintings such as impressionism or expressionism ect. But what makes a picture look beautiful ? what the key behind human aesthetic? To search the answer. Used to be an automobile designer, Louis Wu was studying on aesthetics for almost 10 years. he found the clues from ancient chinese oracle bone scripts. Through refined curves you can still make a picture more delicate and beautiful without losing too much unimportant details. After long studying and precticing, he is not only particularly sensitive to the beautiful curves, but also admired of minimalism. At the same time, he firmly believes that different curvature and tension of the curves could brought you a sense of diverse feelings. Not surprisingly, he alweays reveals that the ability to simplify a picture (or even everything) is a borned gift from god, and aslo the major differences between human species and camera or A.I. More or less, this work is an appropriate performance of such ideas.
i love this work.
Feminism 女性主义-Louis & Karen
Women are suffered from unspeakable social pressures, veiled limitation and unbreakable barrieres. mostly,in part of Asia or the Middle East, the situation is going on even worse . These paintings were created to visualize the suffering and make man put themselves into woman's shoes.
Feminism 女性主义 2016-2017
Women are suffered from unspeakable social pressures, veiled limitation and unbreakable barrieres. mostly,in part of Asia or the Middle East, the situation is going on even worse . These paintings were created to visualize the suffering and make man put themselves into woman's shoes.全球的女性有很多说不出的社会压力,看不见的限制和打不破的屏障。尤其在亚洲的部分地区和中东的情况更严重。我只是将女性的痛苦视觉化,更好的展现给男性,让他们更容易设身处地替女性着想。
Oracle bone script甲骨文2015
Oracle bone scripts have already existed for nearly 5000 years, are ancient chinese characters. They are totally different from other languages ,they are all paintings, simplified and easy for understanding , from modern view, they belong to something between Cubism and Minimalism.中国古老的甲骨文和其它语言不同,它们都是画,简化而易读,从现代人的眼观来看,应该介于立体主义和极简主义之间。Cooperated Works 合作作品
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